Thursday, January 14, 2010

St Mary's Church...Love;)

I absolutely love this church in St Petersburg, the copper doors are so striking. I just love them!  I also love the geometric patterns featured throughout the entire building.


Check out the great patterns carved into the stonework!

28 degrees and the sun is still shining;)



Dumbwit Tellher said...

St. Mary's copper doors are stunning. I have never seen doors such as that. They won't build churches such as that any longer. I'm surprised FL has not warmed up yet..brrrr.. but so lovely. All my best for a wonderful weekend ahead xx

Gwen Driscoll said...

Ok, this is totally insane. We are soul sisters. Just yesterday while working on my "Week in White" I was thinking I needed to pull some white churches & then I had the thought of how beautiful our church is here because it's so old, restored and just spectacular and that I should do a post on it. And, now, I look at your blog & find this! Crazy and nuts considering doing a post on a church isn't the norm. Love it!

Working on your post but had a detour as I needed to have a 45 minute "Mommy" counseling session with my 3rd grader. Why are girls so mean? I don't get it.


Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

simply stunning!!!



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